An unexpected error occurred.
mysql error: [3065: Expression #1 of ORDER BY clause is not in SELECT list, references column 'adreco41_csc.fsfl.fsDisplayOrder' which is not in SELECT list; this is incompatible with DISTINCT] in EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uName as fvAuthorName
FROM Files f INNER JOIN FileVersions fv ON f.fID = fv.fID
LEFT JOIN Users u on u.uID = fv.fvAuthorUID
left join FileSearchIndexAttributes on (fv.fID = FileSearchIndexAttributes.fID) inner join FileSetFiles fsfl on fsfl.fID = f.fID where 1=1 and fv.fvType = '1' and fvIsApproved = '1' and (f.uID = 0 or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (-1)) = 0) and ((select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (-1)) = 0) and (f.uID = 0 or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (-1)) = 0) and (f.fOverrideSetPermissions = 0 or (select count(fID) from FilePermissionAssignments fpa inner join PermissionAccessList fpal on fpa.paID = fpal.paID where fpa.fID = f.fID and fpal.accessType = 10 and fpal.pdID in (0) and fpal.peID in (2) and (if(fpal.peID = 5 and f.uID <> 0, false, true)) and (fpa.pkID = 44)) > 0) and f.fID not in (select ff.fID from Files ff inner join FilePermissionAssignments fpaExclude on ff.fID = fpaExclude.fID inner join PermissionAccessList palExclude on fpaExclude.paID = palExclude.paID where fOverrideSetPermissions = 1 and palExclude.accessType = -1 and palExclude.pdID in (0)
and palExclude.peID in (2) and fpaExclude.pkID in (44,43)) and fsfl.fsID = '5' order by fsDisplayOrder asc, fID asc ")
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